Saturday, May 3, 2008

He said ,She said

ah...well its like 2:09 A.M.I should be hitting the sack,and thinking about what I'm gonna have for breakfast,or probably do the ritualistic "what happened in the day " analysis.But well i kinna heard quite a bit from different people,heard about how they get over someone,and its amazing how every one's got their own little story.How every story is so original,and so interesting.Yeah,its funny,just when you think that you've had some unreal ,outlandish experience,there comes a disappointment,"sorry kid,looks like,you've got company!".Its funny how sometimes its "........and they lived happily ever after..........APART!"I spoke to this guy today,a great guy,the kinds you would wanna hear about,and well we got talking,we talk quite a bit.He doesn't really seem all that serious at times.He seems truly committed.......well to himself.Pretty good looking,always gaging,picking on you,always saying "I'm good,no wait,I'm the best!".A self indulgent bastard to be precise!Nice lil picture i painted,huh?!?!and well then comes the truth,the kinds which would make you go like "WHA?!?!?".He's been in love with the same girl for the past 8 yrs,even though she went away with someone else years back.I asked him "how do you get over someone?",and he said"uuummm i just ignore them"."And what if you really like her?".....reply.........."Then i never get over her".Its funny how something like a teenage crush turns to this everlasting wish.People have all sorts of innovative ways to get over their unlucky romances.Some go into depression,cut themselves here and there and well feel EUPHORIA!I wonder how?While some don't really go that drastically physical to quote them "ah,all you need is some dark chocolate,wine and a nice copy of Julia Quinn".Some change their play lists........A TOTAL OVERHAULING!!!so from "sway my way" it becomes"Smack my bitch up".Abusive rap , dark and gross songs about "fucking Satan" are like some sweet symphony to them.........or they go all"feel good inc"......and they make a careful attempt not to listen to any song with the mention of the word "love" or anything close.Some take a while,they cry and "whine".......and go like "why the hell is he committed?"........sorry that piece is TAKEN!They take a whole year to realize it should get over,another six months to be sure that the crush should go.........and then some more time to "GET OVER".Then some are a pro at it,a week and they are done........they are the smart ones..or the lucky ones.They have this amazing rapport with their brains and heart......all in sync!!!!And hey if you're into any of these "nice guys".........get ready for the cardiac arrests........their intelligent and pragmatic approach would make you hate them, and you might go all "fuck yourself".Then there are the "cliff hangers"...........heheheh..........or "human taxis".......they get over by getting "the new guy"....and the old "everlasting love " goes in a click,POOF!!!And yes the age old "long distance" problem........damn...its like cat cure........heheheh.My heart aches when i wonder every minute a teenage heart breaks,and gets better with the sad sad, but forceful resolution of "I'm gonna laid"!like having intercourse would help!Fragile minds don't know what to do when a fellow teenager gets the pleasure of breaking their hearts.AND these kings and queens of Dunsville never learn.Today listening to fellow teenagers made me realize there is no hope........somewhere at this time....the phone will ring......TRING TRING!!And a voice would do the damage........on the other end there will be a painful silence,contrary to the storm within.And in the morning another heartbroken teen will rise from his bed with a tear-stained face and make a foolish resolution.And once again some more innovative ideas would be born,giving them hope,so someone will go for a holiday,find "action" elsewhere,someone will listen to Eminem,someone will get all teen weepers to watch,someone would put up a facade...............and somewhere someone would be typing a blog at 2:58 a.m. in the morning.


Unknown said...


Disha said...

wow...that is an incredible piece of writing...its just indescribably good...

Shreya said...

i adore this one....its awesomeness personified!!!
btw i this ur blog is damn cool......UR FLY!!!

Mridul Dua said...

"...someone will get all teen weepers to watch,someone would put up a facade...............and somewhere someone would be typing a blog at 2:58 a.m. in the morning." NOTHING COULD BE AS TRUE AS THESE LAST LINES.....

charan rana said...

...someone will get all teen weepers to watch,someone would put up a facade...............and somewhere someone would be typing a blog at 2:58 a.m. in the morning."

Himani Shukla said...

ADORE DIS............(lik this one's.......).......
leaves me..."speechless"

Shreya said...

jus read it again........loved the end frm "tring tring......"
8 years gawwwwd this guy makes me feel useless coz he beats my record of three years....awwwww....who is the supposed hunk??
i feeel weepy n sappy fer him.......n i usually dnt feel that fer jerky-tithead-GUYS!!!
neway i wont say get over her coz im the "whiner"......but dont drown in ur sorrow.....!!!

Unknown said...

amazing...nuthing short of it....its all so i said its like ur analysis...and m sure there's indirect reference to a whole lot of us ya ure reely gud ...the best actually....dnt wanna repeat the same thing bt the end was actually goosebumps though...hehe

Mridul Dua said...

hey anchi.. who's the loser cheating my comments???? this e-commerce guy.. and if she/he's nice, i'm sorry... in fact, if she/he's nice, i feel honoured.... and either which ways, you wrote those lines.. so to quote them mean s copying you.. but if she/he's a loser, TELL HER/HIM TO STOP COPYING ME!!!!NOW!!!!!

Curbside Prophet said...


@dish....thanx for your story

@shreya.....i yam fly.....and thanx for your story

@mridi....i love the ending.....and it was just such a impromptu piece.....i really don't know how it happened...and goosebumps.WHOA BABY!!!


@sneha.......yeah i love analysing and observing.....thanks.